Monday, December 04, 2006

12/4/06 Mint Katrina

Katrina had her 2-month pediatrician appointment today, and her first shots. She's thriving and healthy. Her stats:
Weight: 10lbs 8oz (50%)
Length: 23" (75%)

I like Dr. Loeb. When we brought Gabriel in for the first time, at 5 days old, I lamented aloud how clueless and out of sorts we were, and Dr. Loeb said calmly, "Don't worry, he'll guide you." Today, she commented conversationally about my having a girl after two boys, as many people do. I answered with my usual answer that I had been a confirmed boy-mom and was still trying to reconcile this whole girl thing. So far, of course, it's not that different. Dr. Loeb answered that now, maybe it's not different, but the relationship you develop with a daughter over time will be different. Once again, she hit it on the head. That's what I'd wanted the most about a girl, was the unique mother-daughter relationship -- and also am most nervous about now.

I get to be single mom for 4 days, since Dave went out of town on business today. And then Tonya couldn't take Julian this afternoon! Horrors!

But, it worked out great. I insisted with myself that I work on Julian's nap as soon as we got home from picking up him and Gabriel. He was settled in the living room by 1:30pm, but didn't actually fall asleep until 3:00 or so (I think), then I had to wake him at 5:30pm. That meant a lot of time without the boys fighting, phew!

Katrina woke up around 5pm, crying hard. She doesn't usually cry like that, and I think it was a pain cry. Shots bothering her? I held her while I tried to figure out what to do. Our infant Tylenol was upstairs, which was inaccessible today due to a final coat of floor finish applied this morning, darn it. So I held her and rubbed her and paced her around and looked at her a lot, hoping something would come to me. To my amazement, she actually put her head on my shoulder and relaxed between bouts of crying -- then fell asleep. She's never done that, not even put her head on my shoulder! It was very sweet, but unfortunately, I HAD to wake Julian and make the boys dinner. I put her down in the bassinet and she went right back to sleep.

Mercifully, Katrina slept for 3 critical hours, during which I made the boys dinner, fed them, cleaned up, gave them baths, got them ready for bed, read a book, and pretty much was tucking them in when she woke up. Yay!

One way to get the boys to pay attention and eat dinner is to tell them stories, and lately I've been gearing them up on all the standard Christmas fables. I inject some good-value stuff too, like telling them that Christmas is about spending time with family and giving people things, but they're very keen on the part about getting stuff too.

Tonight, the tale of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer kept them entertained, and I also sang them the Rudolph song a number of times. Julian tries to sing along; he loves singing "...had a very shiny noooooose."

It just happened that Katrina's shirt, blanket and socks all ended up a minty green color today. Combined with a great mood in the afternoon, it was enough for another photo session. I just love the expression on her face in this first photo.

I love how you can lock eyes with a two-month-old and just look at each other, long past the point of comfort if you did the same thing with an adult. She's been smiling and making wonderful sounds more and more, almost like she's trying to talk.

I took a few closeups too, wanting to capture the moment of her being so sweet and happy, with little success. I always forget to turn the flash off and so end up with one flash photo. Here's why I hate indoor flash photos now: it looks like the room was dark, but you can see a stream of sunlight in the background. Still, I like the effect of capturing her nondescript gray eye color.

And then just one of numerous goofy faces.

I'm on my own with all three tomorrow morning. Nanny, anyone?!


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