Despite being a pain in the rear end last night, Katrina was delightful, and delighted, at music class today. I'm still looking for the quintessential music class photo, but it escapes me.

Then this afternoon, I got to take Julian skating. We practiced for about half an hour together first, and this time, I didn't have to make up games to get him to skate without thinking. He apparently enjoyed our games so much that he brought them up himself: "Mommy, let's go skate to the cat now!" "Mommy, let's go find the flag!" You can tell I was really stretching; this skating rink is pretty dingy and doesn't have a lot to distract an apprehensive kid. His favorite game is when I tell him, "No going faster than me.....heeeyyyyYYY!!" and acting all put out when he skates away from me.
I love how he laughs and seems to completely enjoy it, and it makes me glow inside to know that some of that is having the time alone with me. As much as I get a secure, if not relaxed, feeling of having all three of them home with me together, the real highs are the times I spend alone with each of them. Perhaps those times are all the higher because there are three, but for the same reason they're also rarer.
Julian's also doing much better in his class, getting up, pushing off the wall, and skating across the rink when called upon to. And, he really seems to like it, he's engaged and listens to the teachers.

Julian got two party invitations yesterday, for the same weekend. I was really confused when I saw they were for different days, in different places, at different times, but for the same kid? After studying the invitations for a few minutes, I decided that he must indeed have two classmates named Maayan, with birthdays in the same week. What are the odds of that?
And, best of all, Julian was dry this morning! Who knew night-training could be this easy?! Gabriel makes it seem like a complete impossibility. Julian's far from done, but he's well on his way. Go Captain Underpants! Err....I mean, don't Go!
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