Sunday, June 01, 2008

6/1/2008 Pack pressure

Argh! The more I get done, the more I'm behind!

I'm actually trying not to pack too much; instead I'm focusing on organizing and sorting things that the professional packers can pack easily. I want to tell them "pack everything in this room, label it for XYZ room in the new house, and put it on the truck," instead of, "pack the top shelf and the three at the bottom, except this box which I'll need out, label most of them for XYZ room except for the things on the floor and the 2nd shelf which go to ABC room."

Katrina peed in the little potty again tonight -- 3rd time this week! Now whenever I take her diaper off, she looks down and goes "beeee!" I wish we weren't so preoccupied; her #2s are fairly predictable too and we could really run with potty-training. She's been talking a lot more lately, and recognizing more abstract images. Today she pointed to a circular object in a photo and said, "Buh-bool!" (bubble), and now recognizes that two-wheeled vehicles are "BYYYE??" and cars are "DDOHHH??"

On the potty subject, for the past week we haven't been waking Julian up to pee, and he's been dry every morning, yay! Even if he has an accident, I'd still say he's done. Gabriel sometimes says he wants to go without Pull-Ups, but he's hardly sincere and resists the alarm idea. No energy for that right now.


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