Saturday, November 10, 2012

11/10/12 The Bunch

At the risk of repeating myself, one of the reasons I'm especially glad we got two cats is that their personalities are really, really different. Meow-stache is a wonderful companion for me, but she's getting increasingly nervous around the kids.

Unfortunately, the kids are hard to persuade that when Meow-stache hisses, to leave her alone -- and for a long time, like hours or even the rest of the day. Katrina didn't heed this last week, and got scratched when she reached out to the fearful kitty, who was hiding under a chair, even after that very clear warning.

Zorro, on the other hand, is very relaxed with them!

I'm still pinching myself that it worked out so well, that the kids got one and I got one. If only I could find her!


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