And his Pull-Up was dry this morning!
But the best part is, he seemed to have decided to make it, or not happen, as the case may be. He explained that he was lying in bed, then suddenly his eyes popped open...he said he knew he had to go pee, thought about just going in his Pull-Up, then decided not to. He was very proud of himself for waking up. We're using a Pull-Up again tonight (he is a very heavy sleeper), but if he's dry, then it's genuine skivvies for him. I have a "feeling" this is finally it!
This morning Dave had an early meeting, so I did the big triple dropoff this morning. This included a wake-up call for our soon-to-be new reality: school started at 8:40 for all kids today, including PM kindergartners. This will be our life for many years to come, starting in August when Gabriel starts first grade. It was a scramble, but I got him there exactly at 8:40, Katrina in tow, Julian already dropped off.
First, they all 3 had breakfast together. I've taken to waiting to dress Katrina until after she's done dribbling milk all over herself.

Katrina asks every time I put her in the car where Gabriel is. I can tell more by her expression and gestures than her words, which sound something like "ih biy?" She points to his seat and her tone of voice and inquisitive face are clearly asking after him. Then when she sees him, she smiles and says "BIIIIIIHHHY!" Julian gets much the same reception, with a sort of "jhhhuuuuhhhh!" sound. It's very sweet to see her ask about her brothers, and it tickles them to no end.
My house is gone. GONE. It's a shell. You can't tell from the street, but three days of discrete interior demolition have been swift and unrelenting.
Here's my old kitchen.

Here's how it looks now. All that's left is the cute little boy (not pictured).

The old family room, or rather, a view of the kitchen from the family room. Notice that dark corner all the way on the right? That was where my sink was.

And now.

I thought I'd be rattled by seeing this...Dave sure was. He even said he wasn't sure any woman should have to see her house in a state like that. I was prepared to be upset, but I was more fascinated than anything. Ohh, so that's why the sun room's ceiling is higher! I never knew there was insulation in that wall! Gabriel was with me and he too was fascinated, took it all in stride.
Truth is, the house we're living in now is the one no woman should ever have to live in. What a mess! Unpacking is drudgerous and infinite...I can't even get a single room under control. If I get just 3 boxes done a day, they have to run out eventually, right?
Well, turns out, it's great fun for kids to unwrap stuff and discover what's inside! Gabriel got 3 boxes done tonight, each filled with individually-wrapped bowls, shakers, little dishes, and countless other tiny breakables. The best unpacking resource has been right under my nose all along!
Tomorrow's a really big day in many ending and a beginning. More on that...tomorrow.
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