And I had a busy day, even without trying to dig out from piles and piles of boxes.
Today was the last Musical Monday. First, our second-to-last Music Together class. Katrina played with my shoes for much of this, putting them on me and then playing with them herself while the rest of us made music. Sigh. But she had a good time (as long as I didn't interfere with SHOES) and then so did I.

Here's Katrina doing the music train:
Mondays are also Remodel Meeting Day. Today I met with my architect/interior designer to work on bathrooms. I know enough to keep tile under control, but maybe some colorful accents in the kids' bathroom that aren't too too kidlike...?

Will three kids have conflicts when they're older sharing a one-sink bathroom? I'd be a lot more nervous about that if they were all girls!
A notary errand with Dave, home, quick lunch, off to Gabriel's last piano class. Parents were invited this time for a "recital." Brace yourself for the most boring video ever recorded, but I had to do it for posterity.
Gabriel's first recital:
He can play many songs way better than that, but in this case, he's following instructions from the class to read the music, which he's doing.
A side story: Last week, I heard Gabriel playing a very familiar rift from the 1970s, and then realized he was playing "Super Freak" !! Apparently they'd had a Party Day at the CDC and played some old disco songs. Super Freak is very catchy, enough that he had to play it when he got home. Later, he wanted to know if I had Bad Girls and YMCA on CD!
His piano teacher, classically trained, also made sure the kids bowed before and after their performances.

The recital part of the class was over quickly, so she played some musical tic-tac-toe with the kids. Gabriel was very excited and animated, dancing around a lot. I started to get a good clip of this, until he ran toward me unexpectedly -- to hug me! Mom will always take that!! Gabriel is actually pretty affectionate, but he still surprised me, in the best way possible.
Run and hug:
One of the few things we've set up in the new house is the piano, by popular demand. As I was cleaning up Sunday dinner, I heard little-boy voices singing in unison. It was so cute, I quietly grabbed my camera. Gabriel and Julian were singing "Ten Little Indians" together to the piano (one of its pre-recorded tunes). They saw me but didn't mind, and started over so I could record. Other than that, I didn't stage this at all, they just did this on their own.
Gabriel and Julian singing together:
I can't explain why this is so heartwarming...I guess it's cooperation at its best.
I went to Zumba tonight at the Y, even though our new location adds about 5 minutes to the trip. I needed that, as I'm starting to feel oppressed by all the cardboard in our house. I was tired and hungry when I got home, but determined to do whatever bare minimum was necessary to get back on the air -- and I am! It's minimal, but at least I can upload photos and check email with Eudora instead of the ultra-lame Web interface my ISP offers. I've gotta fix that. Someday. When all the cardboard boxes are gone.
p.s. I hate getting behind in photos, but I mentioned yesterday Katrina's surf PJs that she loves, and I have a photo, so....

So cute...I want some too!
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