Monday, April 20, 2009

4/20/09 Adieu!

I took Mom and Paul to the airport this morning, but not before one last photo-op.

What a wonderful visit! We had a perfect balance of doing things and not doing things, a lot of unfettered time, and lots of great cooking. Oh, there were some down moments (most of which involved Julian), but the good far far outweighed the bad. I'm delighted that the new kitchen and guest suite work very much as I'd planned, and the proof is in having satisfied and comfortable guests.

I decided to take the rest of the day off to handle some affairs I've put off for too long, but first, my first "real" run in months, and on an absolutely beautiful day. It's unseasonably hot right now (Gabriel told me it reached 106), but it's still green and springy and made for some wonderful earthy fragrances on my favorite trails at Rancho San Antonio. In the old days, a 4.5-mile run would have been merely maintenance, but it was a good challenge today. I haven't felt so mentally alive in weeks.

Tonight at dinner, Gabriel asked to be excused before eating much of his dinner. I reminded him that he had to go do homework, something we've all happily forgotten during the weeklong recess. "Oh yeah," he said, looking outside wistfully, "I forgot about that." I told him I knew a great way for him to put off his homework a little longer: eat his broccoli! "Oh, OK!" he said cheerfully, and delved into his healthy green vegetables. I like it when homework works for me!


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