Wednesday, August 25, 2010

8/25/2010 Coffee Reward

Out for Coffee with friends tonight.

I totally deserve it....just finalized Dad's Medicaid application, including scanning all ***54*** pages (actually that's leaving out some pages in long legal docs like PoAs). This is a HUGE to-do crossed off!

Getting home from work with all three after school is still very tough, but made SO SO SO much easier by Gabriel's "homework time" at the CDC. It's not so much the homework itself, but all the time I don't have to spend chasing him down, cajoling, reminding, warning, peeling him off of Julian, trying to distract Katrina away from's SO SO SO much work just *getting* him to DO it. Seems having the entire group doing it at the same time makes all the difference. I am eternally grateful to the CDC for taking this stone out of my backpack.

And now, I'll go replenish some of that weight with a worthy cause: cheesecake!


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