Tuesday, July 17, 2007

7/17/07 The Architect

Today I had a meeting with an architect who could be someone I'd meet at a Las Madres event. She has two small kids and parents right in my neighborhood who watch them, and works partly from home, and mostly on her own hours.

But aside from relating to potty-training issues, I was blown away by her competence, her professionalism, her practicality, her attention to detail, her knowledge, the questions she asked, the ideas she offered, the positive attitude, her organized and clear approach to the whole process. Now this is more like it! No resistance, no offering red-herring ideas, no know-it-all attitude. Finally, a break. I'm looking forward to this project all of a sudden!

I'm meeting with another architect this coming Thursday, and if he's better, it'll be a miracle. Exactly what this house needs. But I think this house's miracle was found today.

Yesterday, Gabriel asked me, "Where does the universe end?"

I don't know about the universe, but I can answer that the world ends when your baby consistently wakes up around 6am. Which Katrina did again today. Without the crows. Ouch.

Looks like I'm training for a 10K after all, this coming Sunday. When will I ever "train" more than a week ahead of time?! Tonight I squeaked in a run at Rancho San Antonio, but these night squeaks are going to end soon. The sun setting earlier makes a serious difference. I like the hills, it's like interval training and doesn't let you get into too much of a lull. Yeah, no lulls needed around here, right?

Kids all in daycare today (otherwise productive 2.5-hour meeting with architect would never have happened!), boys surprisingly well-behaved tonight. And so was I.


p.s. Tonight's route:

6) Parking -> Lower Meadow (SW) -> Mora -> Ravensbury ->
Chamise (W) -> Rogue Valley (E) -> Farm -> Coyote ->
Equestrian Parking -> Parking

Results for route: 1EF8HJ7LM3UWV21
Route Miles Up Down
1E 0.30 15 0
EF 0.54 40 0
F8 0.60 255 30
8H 0.37 0 110
HJ 0.05 10 0
J7 0.60 120 0
7L 0.20 0 75
LM 0.69 0 125
M3 0.31 0 25
3U 0.15 20 0
UW 0.25 50 0
WV 0.67 120 0
V2 0.51 0 195
21 0.29 30 0

Total Distance = 5.53 Miles, 660 feet of climbing

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