Saturday, December 29, 2007

12/29/07 The Game

Somehow, in the past few weeks, I've heard from three moms that their oldest two children play board games a lot together (coincidentally, all 3 pairs of siblings are brother-sisters).

Gabriel and Julian already play a great deal together, it's hard to imagine how they could play together *more* -- but I've never introduced board games to them. So, I got one for them for Christmas, not anticipating how many others we'd get, but the more games, the better!

I actually wanted the classic Candyland, but The Learning Game didn't have it -- I guess it's not "educational" enough. I got what proved to be a poor substitute, another candy-based game called "The Lollypop Game." Actually, since it is so simplistic, it's a good choice for an introduction to board games -- to learn to take turns, understand the object of a game, the concept of a spinner, that one person wins. Gabriel has played some games at the CDC, so he gets it, but Julian needed some introduction.

Once I played one round with them, they were at it together for over an hour! This was perfect, since it was too rainy and wet for the BMX park today, and they were pretty much stuck indoors. As we all were. Dave and I were feeling sluggish today, and Dave is fighting a cold.

But by 4:30pm, the game was wearing off and the boys were getting punchy. Everyone needed to get out. Some longtime friends of ours were holding a housewarming party tonight in San Francisco, something I resigned myself to missing since our regular sitter is out of town and I hadn't looked into another one in time.

But hmm, on second thought -- a party, at someone's house, in the city! I love excuses to go to San Francisco -- I haven't been there since I was last pregnant. Katrina had woken up from a sound nap around 4pm, so the timing was unusually good. The boys got a hasty dinner, we packed up the Kat'n'kaboodle, and off to the city we went!

To my amazement, at this grownup party in a very small house, everyone we know from our mostly child-free circle who has kids was there, for a total of six girls and three boys. So after a few no-running admonishments, the boys had a fabulous time playing with the other kids. I had a great time poking around our friends' new house, and just being in the city again.

Though Katrina's crawling makes her a serious liability in a crowd, she lights up with so many people around to impress. She insisted on having her hands held to be walked around, and almost let loose into a trot a few times, giggling joyfully. I tried to take a break from this once, but she pried both my hands off my knees and pulled me, insisting on being walked around. Whenever she sees her brothers running together ahead of her, she flails her body and laughs and acts like she's going to jump out of her skin after them. By all means, baby! Walk it! Chase them!

On our way back from the city, she fell asleep in the car -- so soundly that she actually rested her head on my shoulder as I carried her upstairs, and only started to wake up as I entered her room. I didn't even change her clothes, just put her right down with her blankie and she went right back to sleep.

But darnit, I'd meant to get a photo of her today, because she's wearing a stunning purple ribbon-lined sweater from Aunt Laura and Uncle Ryan. Hmm, I guess I can take the photo of it all rumply on her tomorrow morning!


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