Wednesday, February 20, 2008

2/20/08 Childhood games

Ah, such innocent fun. Gabriel's at the CDC "camp" this week (school's in mid-year recess), and in addition to main organized activities and playground play, they also do a lot of simple sorts of games with them. Gabriel came home with a string in a loop and showed Julian how to do a "Cat's Cradle." I remember many fun hours playing Cat's Cradle and other string games as a kid!

Gabriel was also all excited about playing "I spy" today, and wanted to again tonight. Though I wasn't feeling well and have a lot to do tonight, I thought, "this is what it's all about," and sat down and played I Spy with the boys. They were so excited about it, I had to keep interrupting the game to tell them to quit jumping on the couch! Then I taught them "Hot and Cold," which I thought would be easy for them, but they both only moved in two dimensions, and eventually the game devolved to a free-for-all of running around like mad giggling like crazy. Which, of course, is the most important and classic childhood game.

Cat's Cradle, I Spy, Hot and Cold, Mayhem -- so far, these things have survived the video-game era!

Then, more childhood fun: making cookies with Mom. I made these Traffic Light cookies for my cookie exchange party tomorrow, but due to unforeseen technical difficulties, I didn't have enough to give the boys! So I had to make more. And, they helped me. I'm glad I thought to cut up gumdrops instead of use colored sugar for the lights, since it was easier for them to fill in the traffic light "holes."

I love doing stuff like this. Maybe I like it better these days because I can't do it all the time anymore, but still, I think I'm now more Barbara Bush than Hillary Clinton.

I had to bail from work today, because of a very unhappy tummy that bugged me all morning, then again later this evening. But I think I'll be OK for music tomorrow, and for the cookie exchange party too. It'd take a lot to keep me from that!


1 comment:

Queen Bee said...

Cute cookies!! I'm totally filing those away in my mental "cute kid cookies" file!