Sunday, February 27, 2011

2/27/2011 Cold warm day

Another day of a horribly stuffy nose and a head cold. The worst part is low energy. I hate that.

It was warmer today than yesterday, so Mom and I took the kids to the little park down the block on bicycles and Gabriel's new skateboard to practice. It was great for everyone to get outside in the beautiful weather, though a Katrina tantrum about being forcefully moved from a section of glass sent us back after an hour. She got over it by the time we walked home, then helped Mom and I do some much-needed pruning of our landscaping plants. Now that's a great way to spend the afternoon.

Dinner and nice conversation, and once again too tired to post photos or do much of anything. Mom flies home tomorrow (sniff) and then it's back to the grind.


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