Friday, June 03, 2011

6/3/2011 Neighbors

For the last 11-1/2 years, this is a sight that we've seen across the street:

far more often than this one:

In fact, we've never, ever seen no cars in the driveway or lining the street -- and often on the lawn.

Really, we've never seen fewer than 3 cars across the street, usually one or more not running. For many years there was a camper parked in the driveway, with guys living in it. Numerous domestic disputes (and one anonymous call from a nosy neighbor to Adult Protective Services) have summoned Sunnyvale's Finest here, the biggest assembly ever being this past Wednesday night with a fire truck, two ambulances and 4 police cars. All the disputes have been between men, and included a lot of shouting and pounding and cars screeching away.

Activity increased yesterday, with more cars, more guys hanging around, trailers attached to pickups, and a U-haul truck. And today, they're gone. The driveway is empty, and there are no pickups parked all down our street. We've never, ever seen an empty view from our own living-room window. It's been a very strange white trash outpost in the midst of an otherwise quiet family neighborhood.

I don't think the house sold though. The For Sale sign that had broken in half and was swinging in the wind is also gone now. What -- who is next?


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