I asked Tonya to keep Julian all day today, since electricians upstairs make his nap impossible, and he's missed a nap for two days now. And it shows. He's been a real pest lately.
Before going to see Dr. Teagle today about my poorly healing surgery incision, I stopped by Learning Game and got some maze, connect-the-dot, coloring, and magnet books for the boys. Score! Gabriel spent the entire afternoon quietly coloring and working on mazes, with one red crayon. He didn't even pull his trains out.
But when we picked Julian up, he was clearly glad to see his brother, his energy level skyrocketed and he wasted no time instigating trouble, though later both boys tackled their new coloring books peacefully.

Katrina slept ALL day, though I woke her every 3 hours to nurse. Then I took her to SFO to pick up Bonne Maman! She woke up after we got home, and her grandmother got a good dose of Katrina-land (WAH-WAH-WAH after sleeping all day, being fed, and with a clean diaper). She calmed down after the bath and Dave got her to sleep pretty easily...for now! Let's hope for another good night.
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