Tuesday, March 04, 2008

3/4/08 The Dance

I wish I'd caught this on video, a most heartwarming moment: Gabriel was singing "A Farmer in the Dell," and Katrina started "dancing" to it! It was more adorable than you can imagine!

I've been thinking more and more about the summer, and can't wait now! Even though we have no solid plans yet. It will really feel like a summer this time, because school's out. I need to start planning a trip back East, over July 4. Maybe I should tell my family back East about it first. (In the old days, it'd have been with a letter. Then a phone call. Then email. Now, they have to read about it on a blog!)

Stacey and her kids are really into letterboxing. It sounds like so much fun! That sort of thing will be a whole lot easier to do when I don't have to tote Katrina around in a jogging stroller. She can walk now, but she's still just a 17-month-old (tomorrow!) toddler, who's slow, clumsy, and verrry opinionated about directions. That'll be a lot of fun to do with all of them when she's older, and curiosity might get the better of me before then to take the boys.

She got her 15-month-old shots today (sigh, yes, we're way behind). 22 lbs with diaper and onesie. Dave took her and didn't make note of the ounces, figuring her clothes made up for it. Dads.

Got a new cell phone battery today, it's charging now. Sorry all, I'm back on the air tomorrow, adding my voice to the airwaves from the most un-PC location of my car!


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