Saturday, March 06, 2010

3/6/2010 Ice Queen

Guess what we did today! The whole family!

Katrina's face looked like that 75% of the time, and the other 25% it was lit up with gleeful joy. She loved skating, but on her own terms of course. It had to be with both her hands being held, either by me while I skated backward, or by me and Dad going forward. This was sort of a problem because Dad's skating is pretty shaky too. And I am done holding beginning skaters, I wanted to go play with the boys!!

Still, though Katrina departs from her brothers' persistence and gives up and screams angrily when she falls (the boys both just got right back up and kept going), her balance and ability to move her feet and skate was uncharacteristically good -- natural, even. I was really impressed! I've seen little evidence of natural athleticism in her, but she caught on to the actual skating part far faster than her brothers did. Her biggest obstacle was her immediate frustration and lack of confidence.

And hoo-boy did she throw a whopper about having to take her skates off when it was time to go. The tantrum lasted 40 minutes. Long after we were all home and settled in, she was still screaming "I WANT MY SKATES **ON** !!" Even though toward the end she kept insisting on sitting down. My back hurts, that reminds me.

More tomorrow on our first family skate, including other photos and some video of the boys. Once again on my mind today , we just didn't find a moment to call Bonne Maman about her birthday. Today is also my Dad's birthday, and I can imagine his delight if we called and sang to him too, if he could understand that anymore. I know he'd enjoy it, if we caught him awake enough.


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