Saturday, October 09, 2010

10/9/2010 Raspy again

No blog last night, and now this one too?!

Last night was spent getting ready for Katrina's party, even though yesterday afternoon I had a slight temperature and my usual accompanying chest congestion was hitting hard. So of course today my voice is challenged -- not lost, but raspy and needs jump-starting and forcing, and as usual will take weeks to recover completely.

I really needed to relax last night, but I couldn't bear to give up on making a rainbow cake for Katrina's party. I did compromise and use a mix though. (Later it hit me that "rainbow" is a great party theme, if only I'd thought of it in time!)

So, I'll try to catch up on the party -- overall a smashing success -- tomorrow. A few photos, and then, bed.

One very very happy little girl today, and her friends too!


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