Wednesday, April 06, 2011

4/6/2011 Tetherball

Today Gabriel had soccer practice, so I left a little early from work to pick up the boys and take them to the soccer field. I was really bummed when Gabriel told me he hadn't finished his homework -- we have a deal! He's got to do it at the CDC on soccer practice days!

So I took him to the soccer field, and then made him sit in the car and do most of his homework before letting him go to soccer practice. I couldn't do that indefinitely, since I did have to pick up Katrina.

Meantime, Julian went to the playground, and found two tetherball courts. What the heck! So we played tetherball together for a while. That was fun. I'm no good, but I won due to my unfair advantage being taller. I was in the mood to punch something, so that was good.


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