My replacement camera arrived!
Took the little kids to the Grand National Rodeo.

We had to leave early to pick up Gabriel, which, in retrospect, was silly. I just should have brought him.

Katrina was very excited by her first show cow.
Julian, hesitant as usual, though I did persuade him to pet a cow later.

Mom seriously dragging all day, the lack of a full night's -- never mind good night's -- sleep, is taking its toll.
Katrina tried rice cereal for the first time, on her 6-month birthday. Not a fan so far. Nonstop grabbing a big impediment!

In fact, Katrina's grabbiness has really ramped up, turning many procedures, such as making dinner, from difficult to impossible.
Another Katrina development: signs of separation anxiety from Mom. This is new to Mom, who is always so ragged and tired and grouchy and mean that she doesn't feel deserving of it.

The day was rescued by a fruit dropoff from Betsy, which turned into a brief impromptu playdate with the White kids.

They sure all had fun running around together.
Last skating class tonight, wah! I'm still debating taking another 13-week session, though without Dave this time. He's done, but I'm just getting started!
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