You bet your red booty. Naturally, she loves it. And she can reach the ground and push it around!

I had a nice time alone with Katrina after dinner when I took her with me to pick something up at the supermarket. I couldn't do anything at home anyway, since she was being demanding and picky. She likes it when I push the shopping cart fast, or bounce her as I sing "Riding In The Car" from Music Together. She had a much better day today -- still isn't eating up to par -- but is on the mend. Just a few minutes of her being fun, funny and laughing makes up for many days of being pretty darned difficult!
Last night I woke up several times and remembered dreams that made me uncomfortable all day. Like the one in which I'd shot someone, and was casually concerned that I needed to disassemble the gun and throw pieces of it in different rivers, and that I forgot to do it and was carrying it around in a knapsack while walking around the city with my mother, my childhood friend Patty, and carrying Katrina. "Darn," I thought, "I forgot when we crossed that last bridge." Sort of like, "Darn, I forgot to take out the garbage." Never mind that I shot someone! Then a bus almost ran me and Katrina down, and I was annoyed that we hadn't gotten hit.
Pretty twisted! But when I got to work this morning and felt nauseous again, it started to come together. Black pessimistic mood, lethargy, disturbing and semi-violent dreams, uneasy stomach, and oh yeah, headache pain. All adds up to: migraine. No wonder life was gloomy yesterday. Unfortunately, like postpartum blues, it doesn't really help to know the depression is artificially induced, you still experience it. It seems the Seasonique magic has worn off. Time to find some new magic.
How about this for a start:

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