Wednesday, April 02, 2008

4/2/08 The trouble with Katrina

I had all sorts of trouble with Katrina this afternoon.

First, she was having such a good time at Tonya's that it was hard to pull her away.

Then, she was having so much fun playing with Julian at home that it ran late for her dinner. Then I had trouble feeding her -- because she downed an entire bowl of broccoli and I didn't have more. Then after a big bowl of spaghetti, she asked for cookies, then more cookies, so sweetly and clearly that I couldn't resist and she got lots of cookies.

After dinner, she toddled around so happily, so sincerely giving her brothers things (shoes, boxes) that they had a hard time concentrating on finishing dinner.

I tried to read to her, but that didn't work -- she kept kissing the pictures in the book.

Then after her bath, she was so inquisitive and full of life and play that Dave didn't have the heart to put her to bed until almost 9:00. And now, she's chattering away in bed, making the most adorable sounds, pretending to sneeze, giggling.

But the worst thing she's doing is making wonder...what the heck am I doing working?

I took the day off today, primarily because Gabriel had a Spring Concert at school, and I couldn't miss that. The rest of the time, I would spend doing taxes and some remodeling shopping.

The concert was really cute, and pretty well-done. Organized, on time, brief, interesting. I dreaded sitting through the other classes' songs, but they were pretty cute! Some of the kids were tasked to play drums or bells too, which was a nice touch.

Fortunately for you, gentle reader, YouTube's video upload function is down right now, though actually, the clip of Gabriel's class singing Peas and Porridge is mercifully short. I hadn't noticed until watching the video that he's actually tapping his foot toward the end.

Add in Julian's usual cuteness and gluttony (a great thing in a 4-year-old), and my children were far and away the best part of my day.

Yesterday at work, my feet were getting pins-and-needles-y from sitting too long. Applying self-serving backwards reasoning, I figured, well, if sitting is causing this, then maybe I need to get off my butt! So I went for a "walk" at lunch -- in my running clothes. Which, of course, turned into a run. A short one, and not a relaxed one, because I was filled with concern about the ramifications.

And those ramifications hit hard later in the night, and all day today. Sitting for more than 15 minutes at a time today gets so uncomfortable that I have to get up. I drove to Belmont after Gabriel's concert, and that was uncomfortable. I only got through Gabriel's concert on a hard fold-out chair by changing position a lot. It's hard to explain; it feels like sitting on your feet for too long and they feel all tingly for a few minutes -- only they feel that way all the time, and the tingly feeling keeps moving around. For 5 minutes at a time, for instance, it'll almost attack my heels. Other times, it'll be the tops of my feet, or the arches.

This afternoon, it was so bad I had to lie down for a while. So much for getting taxes done. I'm only getting this written because I keep getting up, though it's finally slowing down now. (However, on the bright side, the terrible, terrible headache I had earlier this week did an unprecedented thing and went away after only a day.)

OK, yeah, so, running wasn't such a hot idea yesterday. But whatever's wrong that's manifesting itself in my feet has been gradually getting worse anyway. The run certainly spiked the problem, and I don't see how I can possibly even sneak in a run until this gets better, somehow. At least today, it's now really affecting my ability to function.

Ironically, one thing I can do just fine is being a Mom, because Moms don't sit very much! Maybe my feet are just being the mouthpiece for my heart.


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